Congratulations on your nomination as President-Elect of your club! Your peers have identified your leadership qualities and nominated you to lead your club to unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and ourselves.
For first-time presidents, we look forward to equipping you with the tools and resources you’ll need to succeed in your year.
For those returning for another term—rather consecutive or from a few years ago…. THANK YOU for stepping into this critical leadership role. We look forward to drawing upon the wisdom you gained as President and how you might do things differently in the upcoming year.
The mission of District 7090 is to inspire and support our clubs to be the best they can be. One of the ways we support club leaders like you is by facilitating a comprehensive President Elect Learning Seminar (PELS).
Your club and other clubs throughout District 7090 have nominated Aaron Carlson (Rotary Club of Lockport) to support clubs as the District Governor in 2025-2026.
In addition, you will be supported through this learning and preparation process by
- President-Elect Learning Seminar (PELS) Chair: Ralph Malcolm (Rotary Club of Welland),
- District Learning Chair: David Berry (Rotary Club of Niagara Falls, Canada)
This year, we have designed a curriculum based on feedback from past presidents, current presidents, and presidents-elect who were identified back in October. We learned two things from the feedback we received:
- The curriculum and discussion are much different for first-time presidents and those returning to the role.
- Best practices look different for small and medium/large, based clubs and should be recognized/celebrated.
In addition, we asked for feedback on how to build community. What we learned was the following:
- Presidents want more active engagement with clubs in their area.
- Presidents were open to exploring a sister club relationship across the border. (For example, pairing a Canadia Club with a Lockport Club in our district for joint activities throughout the year, such as meetings or social events).
- Presidents would like to see a mentorship program where they can be paired up with a Past President from a different club to bounce ideas and get feedback.
With that key feedback in mind, we have designed a contextual and track-based curriculum for encore and first-time presidents, small clubs, and medium to large-sized clubs. We plan to involve the Assistant Area Governors more as facilitators and breakout session leaders to build community in your local area.
In the coming months, we will work on developing a mentorship program and sister club matching for clubs that would like to participate in such collaboration.
There are a variety of different learning seminars that are live and on-demand. Please make sure you save the date and register for the events.