District 7090’s Literacy Committee is charged with assisting clubs within District 7090 to identify and promote literacy development in our local communities and the world community.
In 2020-21, the committee’s primary project is the LITTLE LENDING LIBRARIES (LLL) CHALLENGE…
From the outset of this 2020-21 Rotary year, Governor Frank Adamson has been urging clubs in District 7090 to find ways to increase Rotary’s presence in their communities. One way to do this is for each club to invest a few dollars and some sweat equity to build and decorate at least one Rotary-branded little library for installation in its community. LLL's are weather-proof structures that make a small collection of books available 24/7 to children and families.
Take a book, leave a book, and spread the word that literacy is important for all.
For your ready reference, the D7090 LITTLE LENDING LIBRARIES HANDBOOK (posted on left-hand sidebar on this page) includes everything you need to know and do to meet the LLL Challenge in time for your club’s little library to be featured in the LLL SHOWCASE at the District Conference Kick-off Event on Monday evening, March 15, 2021.
Although delayed because of COVID-19, the development of an INVENTORY of District 7090 Literacy Projects(local community or beyond – regional, national, international) continues. This resource will serve to showcase District 7090 Clubs that are contributing to the advancement of Rotary’s BASIC EDUCATION & LITERACY goal and encourage more clubs to get involved in literacy initiatives.
If your club is actively involved in any way with a literacy initiative - i.e. project leadership &/or partnership, funding support, etc., please message Margaret Andrewes, Chair, D7090 Literacy Committee.
Once your club is identified, the committee will reach out directly to collect the information needed to build your inventory entry.