How is Rotary organized?
Since its founding in Chicago in 1905, well over 100 years ago, Rotary has spread like wildfire across the globe. Today, there are over 46,000 clubs and over 1.4 million members worldwide. 
Rotary Clubs are organized by Club, then District and Zone. For instance, all the Rotary clubs in western New York and southern Ontario are included in District 7090. We are one of but a very few truly international Districts and we call ourselves The Best of Friends District. Our Clubs are supported by a District Governor, Assistant Governors and other liaisons which support the roles of the club leadership and a District Office.
The District Governor is nominated by the Clubs in his or her District to represent Rotary International, and serve as an officer of Rotary in their district. Each District Governor appoints Assistant Governors to assist in managing activities in the District, and to help facilitate projects that involve multiple clubs. Each District Governor serves a one-year term, but in most districts, that individual fills many roles in the lead-up to serving as District Governor. In the case of District 7090, we have a District Governor (current year), an Immediate Past District Governor, a District Governor Elect (the next year), a District Governor Nominee (the following year) and a District Governor Nominee Designate. This forms great continuity in the lead office as these individuals work together to push initiatives forward that will assist the clubs in the pursuit of Service Above Self.
Each Rotary District is then organized into what are known as Zones. Our District 7090 is in Zones 28 & 32 which is a four country, two language compilation of Rotarians and Rotary clubs in Bermuda, Canada, France and the United States. Each Zone is managed by a Zone Director, who actually oversees two zones, and serves as a member of the Rotary International board of directors. Like the District Governor, the Zone Director is nominated by the clubs in the zone; however, each Zone Director is elected for a term of two consecutive years.

Rotary Clubs are organized by Club, then District and Zone. For instance, all the Rotary clubs in western New York and southern Ontario are included in District 7090. We are one of but a very few truly international Districts and we call ourselves The Best of Friends District. Our Clubs are supported by a District Governor, Assistant Governors and other liaisons which support the roles of the club leadership and a District Office.
The District Governor is nominated by the Clubs in his or her District to represent Rotary International, and serve as an officer of Rotary in their district. Each District Governor appoints Assistant Governors to assist in managing activities in the District, and to help facilitate projects that involve multiple clubs. Each District Governor serves a one-year term, but in most districts, that individual fills many roles in the lead-up to serving as District Governor. In the case of District 7090, we have a District Governor (current year), an Immediate Past District Governor, a District Governor Elect (the next year), a District Governor Nominee (the following year) and a District Governor Nominee Designate. This forms great continuity in the lead office as these individuals work together to push initiatives forward that will assist the clubs in the pursuit of Service Above Self.
Each Rotary District is then organized into what are known as Zones. Our District 7090 is in Zones 28 & 32 which is a four country, two language compilation of Rotarians and Rotary clubs in Bermuda, Canada, France and the United States. Each Zone is managed by a Zone Director, who actually oversees two zones, and serves as a member of the Rotary International board of directors. Like the District Governor, the Zone Director is nominated by the clubs in the zone; however, each Zone Director is elected for a term of two consecutive years.