RIPE Mark Maloney’s Rotary Theme for 2019 – 2020 is “Rotary Connects the World”.  How true this has proved out to be in my life. 
In November 2015, while attending Rotary UN Peace Conference in NYC, I witnessed a Rotarian (Lucy) from the state of New South Wales, Australia receive a recognition for her work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).   Later that evening at JFK Airport, we happened to be in same waiting area for our flight home. I introduced myself and congratulated her on receiving the special recognition. Lucy said, “It was for work I do for” Clay Partners.
I was awe struck because few years before meeting Lucy, a Rotarian from our district, Janny Jinor, was  chosen as a Peace Scholar to complete an  eight week course in Conflict Resolution in Bangkok at Chulalongkorn University.  Prior to being selected as our Peace Scholar, Janny had completed an assignment in the DRC for John Hopkins University. The work was for healing and nurturing mentally and sexually wounded women. Many were marginalized, traumatized, disfranchised, and sexual assaulted by their husbands, rape victims and often left as the sole supporter for the family.
Upon meeting Lucy, I thought, what an opportunity to connect Lucy with Janny. A digital introduction was made and they collaborated on several joint projects. “Rotary Connects the World”.
In October of this year, I led a team of Rotarians from our district on a Rotary Friendship Exchange to Thailand.  In Thailand I was able to Connect with Janny who now resides in Bangkok and our Bangkok team was invited to dinner in her spacious 30th floor condo for scrumptious Asian African Cuisine. Another connection was made with our Bangkok team. Janny has been invited back to Chula several times as visiting Instructor and has connected with other Peace Scholars some of which are members of our global Rotary E-Club, Social innovators (RESI).  Our very own Dr. Janny Jinor has completed her PhD and now has an established practice.
On New Year’s Eve, Corine and I were celebrating with friends and I ‘overheard’ a young student say she was going to Australia and I inquired as to where? To New South Wales she replied. Immediately I thought of Lucy of which I immediately fired off an email (1AM here was ~ 1PM there) requesting a connection with our friend’s daughter. Much to my surprise I received an immediate reply of absolutely! Our friend’s daughter, her mom and dad were met by Lucy a few days ago and another connection was made.
As Paul Harvey would say “Now you know the rest of the story.” Rotary Connects the World.